Weight Loss: Month 1!

Just a quickie about the weight loss. I’m taking it a month at a time. This month, I’m doing three things:

1. Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred
I started the 30 Day Shred on November 24th. I’ve done three days, and my body hurts. But it’s a good hurt. Well, except when I climb the stairs. Or walk. Or try to go to the bathroom. (Too much?) I want to do 10 days on Level 1, 10 on Level 2, and 10 on Level 3. That will take me right to Christmas. I want to start 2013 with some muscles! I’ve downloaded it onto my iPad, so there are no excuses when I’m on the road.

2. Easing back into running
I have been in and out of running for the past couple of years. I love it. My longest run was 10 miles, which I did about 2.5 years ago. At this weight, however, and never having been a runner, I am constantly sidelined by injuries. Plus, I have a hard time not going all out when my mind is set on something. Tonight, I finished week one (I’m using the Ease into 5K app on my iPhone), and it’s been so much fun.

3. Clean eating
This one is my favorite. Have you seen that quote (probably on Pinterest) about 80% of the way you look being due to diet and 20% to exercise? I firmly believe it’s true. I tend to go overboard when I count calories (seriously, I find it difficult to do anything in moderation), so that’s no good. When I eat real food, go heavy on the vegetables, and listen to my body, things are perfect. My stomach gets flatter (I usually bloat easily), I feel SO GOOD, and my skin practically glows. It requires more preparation than I care for, but I’m overcoming my disastrous tendencies in the kitchen with the help of magazines like Clean Eating. My friends and family know me as a connoisseur of frozen pizza, and I think this will be the most important step.
